2023 Champions’ reward ceremony

This year the City of Brussels, BrusselsSport, organised the 2023 Champions’ reward ceremony in the superb Brussels City Hall in Grand Place. Mr Philippe Close, Bourgmestre, and Mr Benoit Hellings, Échevin des Sports, were present in this beautiful event, and of course, a number of champions of different sports.

Butokukan had an honor to demonstrate iaido (Maya) and kendo (Emilio and Thomas) in front of the audience. It must have been the first such demonstration in the Brussels City Hall 😃


Maya – Belgian Iaido Champion & Fighting Spirit in European Championships (3rd dan category)

Khang – Belgian Iaido Champion (2nd dan category)


Marius – Fighting Spirit in Technique (5-9 years category)

Adrianna – Belgian Champion in Technique (14-17 years category)

Laure – Belgian Champion in Technique (adult category)

Lionel – 3rd place in Belgian Championships (adult category)

Ibrahim – 2nd place in Shiai (under 13 years category)

Neigema – Fighting Spirit in Shiai (Ladies, adult category)

Ilyas – 3rd place in Kojika Cup (5-9 years category)

Congratulations to all champions 2023 👏👏👏

2023 last training

2023 trainings ✅ It was another year of friendship, courage, hard work, good times, learnings,… kendo & iaido life in a nut cell 🤩😄

Last night was the last training with a bit of kendo no kata and lots of jigeiko, followed by drinks & cakes at the usual place 🥳🎊

La fête national Belge

Last Friday 21/07, our Butokukan members had a beautiful demonstration in the context of the Belgian National Day festival organized in « Parc de Bruxelles » 🇧🇪

This year, we had many team members including kendokas, iaidokas, from Brussels, Liege and other cities participated in the event🔥 Everyone performed their very beautiful kendo and iaido with full energy and spirit.

After the performances, we had some trial sessions for spectators, and it was a huge success 🤩 We had people at all ages and genders who came and tried practicing with us. It was a really lovely moment.

Many thanks to all the participants who came to spend a great day and supported the activities 🙏🥰

Freddie 80e anniversaire

On Saturday, May 13, we celebrated the 80th anniversary of Fredy Thonon 🥳🥂 Of course before the very nice lunch, we practised iaido for two hours in Butokukan Herstal.

Happy birthday Fredy 8️⃣0️⃣💜

The organisation for the surprise party was fantastic! Thank you Renée and everyone! What a wonderful party with friendly atmosphere!

Guy Loncelle announced that there will be an annual iaido seminar from now on, with the name of « Fredy Thonon Iaido Seminar » 🤩👍