This week… kendo seminar in Fontenay-le-Compte This seminar is organised by Lille dojo
Hard trainings in summer heat

This week… kendo seminar in Fontenay-le-Compte This seminar is organised by Lille dojo
Hard trainings in summer heat
Last Friday 21/07, our Butokukan members had a beautiful demonstration in the context of the Belgian National Day festival organized in « Parc de Bruxelles »
This year, we had many team members including kendokas, iaidokas, from Brussels, Liege and other cities participated in the event Everyone performed their very beautiful kendo and iaido with full energy and spirit.
After the performances, we had some trial sessions for spectators, and it was a huge success We had people at all ages and genders who came and tried practicing with us. It was a really lovely moment.
Many thanks to all the participants who came to spend a great day and supported the activities
Bonjour les amis! A partir du 1er juillet, nous passerons à l’horaire d’été. En juillet, il n’y a que 2 entraînements par semaine le mardi et le vendredi :
Nous reprendrons l’entraînement normal le mardi 1er août.
Nous souhaitons à tous un bel été, et gardez votre corps et votre esprit en zanshin !