Belgian Kendo team championship

In the Belgian team championship, our Butokukan team members had great fights where we showed our best kendo with full spirit and friendship 🙏🔥🥰.

At the end of the day, we congratulated the success of our members for their exams 🥳 so let’s welcome our new:

– Agnė Žagrakalytė shodan.

– Ali TAIEBI nidan.

Khang NGUYEN sandan.

We wish them all the best and that they will continue steady on their kendo path.

Belgian National Day

Last Friday 21/07, our Butokukan members had a beautiful demonstration in the context of the Belgian National Day festival organized in “Parc de Bruxelles” 🇧🇪

This year, we had many team members including kendokas, iaidokas, from Brussels, Liege and other cities participated in the event🔥 Everyone performed their very beautiful kendo and iaido with full energy and spirit.

After the performances, we had some trial sessions for spectators, and it was a huge success 🤩 We had people at all ages and genders who came and tried practicing with us. It was a really lovely moment.

Many thanks to all the participants who came to spend a great day and supported the activities 🙏🥰

Summer practice schedule

Hello friends! From 1st July, we will change to the summer schedule. During July, there are ONLY 2 practices a week Tuesday and Friday:

  • From 19:00 to 20:00 Iaido training.
  • From 20:00 to 21:00 Kendo training.

We will come back to the normal training on Tuesday 1st August.

We wish everyone a beautiful summer, and keep your body and mind in zanshin!

BKR Kendo Kampioenschappen 2023

BKR Kendo Championships and examinations took place today in ULB. We had one participant in the ladies’ category and four in the men’s category, two referees and one kakari-in. Great spirit of everyone today 😊

We are very happy to announce that there are four new kendo Ikkyu in Butokukan.

Congrats Rebecca, Agne, Davide and Maximilien 👏🥳🤩

Belgisch Iaido Kampioenschap 2023

Belgian Iaido Championship 2023 on May 21st ended with a lot of energy and success for the whole team Butokukan 🥳🥳🥳

Everyone participated with all the fighting spirit and showed their best in all the categories 🔥🔥🔥. At the end of the championship, many lessons learned and to be brought into our next practices ⚔️⚔️⚔️.

In addition to that, we also celebrate some achievements of the day:

🥇Gold medal sandan: Maya Boujraf

🥇Gold medal nidan: Khang Nguyen

Finally, Claude Pigel completed the day with her success in the Ikkyu exam.

Congratulations to them and all of our participants for a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️

Freddie 80ste verjaardag

On Saturday, May 13, we celebrated the 80th anniversary of Fredy Thonon 🥳🥂 Of course before the very nice lunch, we practised iaido for two hours in Butokukan Herstal.

Happy birthday Fredy 8️⃣0️⃣💜

The organisation for the surprise party was fantastic! Thank you Renée and everyone! What a wonderful party with friendly atmosphere!

Guy Loncelle announced that there will be an annual iaido seminar from now on, with the name of “Fredy Thonon Iaido Seminar” 🤩👍

Kojika cup 2023

Afgelopen 6 mei heeft ons “junior” Butokukan team deelgenomen aan de Kojika cup 2023 te Gent.

Het team beleefde een explosieve dag met veel mooie acties, gezelligheid en successen:

🌸Adrianna gouden medaille 🥇 technische categorie 14-18
🌸Yahya zilveren medaille 🥈 technische categorie 14-18
🌸Ilyas bronzen medaille 🥉 technische categorie 5-9
🌸Ibrahim fighting Spirit 🏅 technische categorie 10-13
🌸 Ali en 🌸 Fabio brandden 🔥 🔥 🔥 in hun shiais 💪💪💪