Last training of 2022: kihon keiko
kyu exams
2023… all is ahead – let’s practise more and enjoy the precious moments

Butokukan wenst u prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuwjaar 🥳
The last day of the Winter Seminar passed very quickly with trainings in the morning and then the kendo dan examinations.
It was great to have Hirakawa Sensei back in Brussels and to practise with him. Arigato gozaimasu Sensei!
Manuel passed 2nd dan kendo today.
Congratulations to Manuel and all others who passed their grades
What a great iaido weekend 🤩 We celebrated the 10th Iaido Koryu seminar with over 40 participants from Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Lithuania and Israel.
The 7th dan teachers, Emilio Gomez, Leo Amoroso and Antonio Gutierrez, were leading the seminar. Each teacher taught one part of the seminar bringing their own experience and knowledge to the participants.
Several people from Butokukan took part in the seminar. Surely a great experience again.
Thank you for joining this edition of the Koryu seminar 😊